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I color my hair. Do Anuva products protect my color?
How does Anuva care for my scalp-and why is this important?
Hair loss runs in my family, and a high-stress lifestyle means my hair is even
more at risk. Can I do anything to keep my hair from thinning?
Lately I'm seeing a lot of hair on my pillow and in the drain. What should I do?
Are Anuva products tested on animals?

Q: Lately I'm seeing a lot of hair on my pillow and in the drain.
What should I do?

A: If you're losing 100 to 150 hairs a day, DHT is probably a factor in your hair loss. You can reduce the level of DHT and improve the overall health of your scalp by using the recommended Anuva shampoo and the scalp vitalizing complex™. Many people see an improvement after just two weeks.